Are you a senior executive, board member, emerging leader, or consultant responsible for leading a strategic plan that actually gets implemented and delivers results?
As leaders, we need a useful strategic plan that provides focus for all employees and moves our organizations forward to fulling a mission, and ultimately making a strategic impact for customers, clients, and constituents.
But many of us have experienced exactly the opposite! That is, we’ve tolerated complex, unproductive strategic planning processes where expensive consultants are hired. Meetings seem foggy and a bit hijacked, as if led by the Wizard of Oz behind a curtain.
I believe in the following straightforward, customizable framework to guide your planning focus. A vibrant, thorough strategic planning program needs these three major components.
1. Customizable Structure for Your Strategic Planning Workshop
A customizable structure for a vibrant workshop will help you develop a meaningful strategic planning leadership experience that is expertly custom-crafted for your organization. This workshop structure includes insights and new opportunities for a hybrid state of strategic planning, where meetings may be held virtually as well as in-person, driven by our world’s distributed, work-from-home environment that became essential during the COVID-19 global pandemic.
2. Customizable Written Strategic Plan Framework
An easy-to-use-and-adapt written plan framework will aid in producing your organization’s unique and customized written strategic plan, both in hard copy and digital formats.
3. Practical and Customizable System for Tracking, Communicating and Celebrating Results
Strategic Impact covers what most strategic planning primers completely miss—support for your organization’s implementation program. Implementation includes the means to track, communicate, and celebrate your organization’s strategic planning results, and do it in a way that is meaningful and practical for your organization.
With this customizable and clear framework, you can grow into becoming a strategic planning expert, delivering exceptional results for each of these major components.
Unlike complicated strategic planning processes, this framework supports you—the person who is responsible and in the life-changing business—to guide your organization through each of the three critical parts of a vital strategic planning process: your workshop, your written plan, and your tracking and communication system.
And by doing this process well, you will help your organization simplify the process, save time, and cut unnecessary planning costs. Learn more about Strategic Impact here.